CropLife Canada
Manage Resistance Now
Multi-media communications campaign that’s increasing awareness of resistance best management practices
CropLife Canada (CLC), as part of its stewardship efforts, committed to developing an industry-wide strategy to address the growing challenge of weed, insect and disease resistance across Canada.
CLC engaged the services of Synthesis to develop and deliver a platform that would: increase knowledge and promote adoption of strategies leading to a reduction of resistance; promote preservation of specific crop protection and biotechnology products; and demonstrate responsible stewardship to regulatory agencies.
The Synthesis team started by conducting a survey of Certified Crop Advisors, a grower benchmarking market research study, and a scan of current resistance management resources. We also tapped into the knowledge of technical experts and grower experiences across the country. All of these insights were used to develop an online platform full of content that would resonate with the target audience and be the go-to source for resistance management information in Canada.
The new initiative, titled Manage Resistance Now, is a multi-year project that includes, a website, surveys, case studies and factsheets, videos, certified crop advisor training and more. Manage Resistance Now has become Canada’s central resource and a forum for continued conversation about resistance management.
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with Synthesis on a number of communications projects and they have consistently delivered quality results on time and on budget. Throughout each project it was evident they were partners, not just providers. The Synthesis team has taken the time to understand the needs of our organization to deliver effective communications strategies for our target audiences.”
~Ian Affleck, Vice-President, Plant Biotechnology, CropLife Canada