Western Grains Research Foundation

Midge Tolerant Wheat Stewardship

Decade-long communication effort key to keeping Midge Tolerant Wheat stewardship top of mind for growers and retailers

Western Canadian wheat growers benefit significantly from Midge Tolerant Wheat, a technology launched in 2009 to protect crop yield and quality from orange wheat blossom midge. It saves them $40-60 million per year ($36 per acre), but stewardship is required to ensure the technology is preserved and protected.

Synthesis has worked alongside the Midge Tolerant Wheat Stewardship Team to launch the technology and to raise awareness of the critical importance of stewardship practices among growers and retailers in Western Canada. Over the past decade, we have developed an annual communications campaign targeting growers with stewardship messaging and reminders, featuring print and digital advertising, media relations, trade show support, website design and social media. We also created online compliance training that is mandatory for all retailers of Midge Tolerant Wheat.

Midge Tolerant Wheat stewardship practices achieved strong awareness quickly. Surveys consistently show that more than 94 percent of growers are committed to Midge Tolerant Wheat stewardship.