Turkey Farmers of Ontario
Strategic Plan Development
Strategic plan gives clear direction for Turkey Farmers of Ontario and sector stakeholders
Turkey Farmers of Ontario (TFO) aimed to consult with producers and stakeholders to develop a new strategic plan that would provide a clear understanding of the best direction for the organization and the industry for the future.
TFO engaged the Synthesis team to develop the strategy. We conducted broad stakeholder consultation using an array of methods. This included an online survey to gather producer input, discussions at regional producer meetings and full-day planning sessions with the TFO Board of Directors. We also completed interviews with the broader stakeholder community, including processors, hatcheries, government, and the national association. We used the findings and insights gathered from these consultations to develop an actionable plan and facilitated launch of the final plan at district producer meetings.
The final report includes priority direction for the next years, focus areas to organize the functions of the organization, objectives in each focus area, and metrics for measuring success of TFO as the sector moves forward.