University of Guelph
Planning for Tomorrow 1.0 and 2.0
Study results help the Ontario Agricultural College train top talent
The Ontario Agricultural College at the University of Guelph has a long tradition of teaching and training students who become sought-after talent serving Ontario’s agriculture and food sectors. To continue building on this reputation, the OAC commissioned a study, called Planning for Tomorrow. The study would determine the projected needs of employers in the sector and how OAC graduates could best meet those needs.
The OAC commissioned the Synthesis team to conduct the study. We consulted with more than one hundred agriculture and food sector employers and organizations to identify and evaluate human resource needs in the sector for the following five years. We focused on specific needs that were related to the training programs offered by the OAC.
Based on the consultations, the completed report provides a snapshot of hiring trends and demands in food and agriculture. Results from the study confirmed a significant gap between the supply of graduates from OAC programs and demands of the sector. The report includes additional key insights that will help the OAC prepare students who will meet the needs of Ontario’s agri-food sector now and in the future.